Events Library News

User-Friendly Library Website Watch Party

The Northeast Kansas Library System is hosting a watch party on January 25 for the ALA TechSource online workshop, “10 Steps to a User-Friendly Library Website” with presenters Aaron Schmidt and Amanda Etches-Johnson.  I thought I would share in case any of the other Systems or KLOW libraries were interested in hosting their own Watch parties.  We have limited our NEKLS registration to 20, to allow for some lab time.

January 25, 2011

1:00 – 4:00 PM

Join us at NEKLS for a half day of website rejuvenation! This day will be a hybrid of live on-site work and virtual presentations.

1:00 – 1:30

NEKLS Tech Staff will introduce best practices and will help you set website improvement goals

1:30 – 3:00

Watch the ALA TechSource online workshop, “10 Steps to a User-Friendly Library Website” with presenters Aaron Schmidt and Amanda Etches-Johnson. A clean, well-designed website can mean the difference between an informed library user and a confused one. With a focus on the needs and wants of the library user, Amanda Etches-Johnson and Aaron Schmidt will help you develop the skills to make your library website easier to use and more interesting. Topics include: Determining the purpose of your website. Identifying your users’ critical tasks. Wrangling content. Writing for the web. How and when to conduct usability tests.

3:00 – 4:00

Optional time in the NEKLS lab, getting input on your website and making changes (bring a laptop if you wish)

Preliminary Reading Material

Please read or view the following materials in advance of the event: