Content Ideas

Free Databases for Reference

Today during the State Library’s database focus group discussion at the NEKLS office, several free databases were shared by attendees.  I want to share those with you, in case you are looking for additional resources for your Web site!  I’d also like to share the KCKCC Library‘s Research Guides created by Cheryl Postlewait – many of these databases are FREE!  If you’re asked for a login, assume they’re subscription 😉

Kids Health - – has sections for parents, kids, teens and and Educators site.

Medline Plus – A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine

Library of Congress – and the  “Especially for librarians” site: – from the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services

Agricola – - Agriculture, pets, livestock resources from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (see a theme here??)

PopMatters –– All things popular culture – “What is goth?” Answer: “Beyond Black, Rethinking Goth

Kansas Career Pipeline - – This one came up for resumes, career help, job placement, job skill building and for all ages – students and adults…very useful and FREE!  Supported by the Department of Commerce – thank them!

NOLO - – Law for all: legal forms, Find a lawyer, free legal information

Kansas Legal Services - – Free legal forms, job training, mediation and more

TeacherTube - – YouTube for educators

Consumer Search - – Consumer Information and Product reviews

CIA World Factbook - Maps, country profiles, history, country comparisons – a Student’s Dream!

What Free sites and resources do you use?  Share!


Content Ideas

Readers Advisory Links

As I was helping one of our libraries set up their first KLOW site, I pulled together a short list of free Readers’ Advisory sites that I thought would help lessen the impact of losing NoveList.

These were added using “Links > Add New.”  I also created a Link Category of “Readers” and assigned all of these Reader-related links to that Category.

This gave me more choices for how to display the links in a sidebar using the Links Widget, set to only display this category of links.


  • Amazon – Great reviews, information about authors, and a source for hard-to-find ISBNs!
  • Barnes and Noble – Again, they have reviews and other ‘crowd sourcing’ elements that may help your patron find that next great read.
  • Fantastic Fiction – Out of the UK, this site provides bibliographies for over 30,000 authors and information on over 350,000 books.
  • Goodreads – Book lists, book recommendations AND a patron can use this site to keep track of what they’ve read or want to read.
  • What’s Next? – Courtesy of the Kent District Library, if you need to know What’s Next in a Series – this is the site to use.
Library News

Hold Off on Updating to 3.1.3

From Liz, KLOW administrator:

WordPress 3.1.3 will be showing up as an available update — please don’t do it. It causes a problem that will keep you from uploading files to your site.  I will let you know when it is safe to update, or when I have a fix for the problem (if you have already updated).

I have a solution for the problem with the media library, but I will need to know that you have updated. If you have updated to 3.1.3, please contact me and I will apply the fix to your site.

Library News

KLOW in Print Again

The April 2011 Library Technology Report from ALA TechSource is all about “Using WordPress as a Library Content Management System.”  While Chapters 1-3 were written by Kyle M. L. Jones and Polly-Alida Farrington, Chapter 4 includes eight guest pieces.  Liz wrote the one on “Kansas Libraries on the Web.”  Woot! Congratulations Liz!

I’m going to start with Chapter 3, “WordPress Cookbooks: Tips, Tricks and Plugins,” especially the bits about Mobile Plugins.  Related, did you know there’s a section at dedicated to Mobile apps, in case you feel the urge to update your KLOW site from your iPad or smartphone?

Library News

Designing Better Websites: a guest post

Nicole Engard, author of Library Mashups, is diligently blogging from Computers in Libraries for Bywater Solutions and I need to share this great information about useful, usable and desirable Web design:

This week I’m at Computers in Libraries in Washington, DC, so a few posts about what I’m learning here. First up this morning (for me) was Aaron Schmidt and Amanda Etches-Johnson.

  • Disclaimer 1: That pesky catalog problem – we really don’t have any control over this in most of our systems
  • Disclaimer 2: Like the catalog we don’t really have a lot of control over what all the other systems we subscribe to look like

0% of searchers start their research at library websites (according to perceptions survey). Aaron and Amanda think that there are are certainly things we can do to improve our websites to get a better percentage here.

Introducing a new concept: Useful, Usable, Desirable – library websites need a balance of these three things.


What is the #1 thing people want to do on our library sites? This is where we need to address our content strategy (plan for the creation delivery and governance of useful content). One way to find out what people want on your site is to ask them! This is a good place for me to put in a plug for LimeSurvey (an open source survey application that lets you create and manage web based surveys – a great way to ask your patrons what they want/expect/hope to see).

Content on library websites is pretty much like our spice cabinets at home. You don’t know how things got there, where things are, if they’re good anymore, etc. One way to handle this is a content audit (a great task for a cataloger). The first part of a content audit is the quantitative listing of all the pages (create an id for each page and include other info about the page itself). The second part of the audit is the qualitative portion. This is the most useful bit of the audit. Here you ask is this info accurate, useful, used, on message and updated recently? Using that data you then rank those pages (don’t use a scale of 1-10 – that’s too granular, do something like a scale of 0-2).


Amanda and Aaron believe that less is more when it comes to library websites. Library websites are kind of like the junk drawer! A lot of library sites take the ‘just in case’ approach to design and put things on there ‘just in case’ someone might need it one day. Instead you should be focusing all of your development goals on the majority of your users and what they want. There is way more value in delighting 50% of your users than having 100% of your users feel kind of blah about your website.

They have come up with a template they can use to create a simple library website at A great way for libraries to create a completely useable site that helps patrons find what they really want at your library. If you do decide to try this out Aaron and Amanda would like you to let them know about it.

To make your site useable you want to make sure you are writing for the web. When on the web, people don’t really ‘read’ they ‘skim.’ Conversational tone is very important for writing on the web. Instead of saying “A library card is required to check out items” say “You can check out all sorts of stuff once you have a library card.” What we were taught in school is not appropriate for the web .. a page that has a lot of paragraphs (an intro, a body, a thesis) is not going to work on the web. Instead use conversational language and break things out in to bullet points for easy skimming and making the important points findable. Another way to make your page useable is to add headings so people can find the area they are most interested in – also putting extra white space in there to make the content more scannable. Along those lines, par down your URLs! Don’t have super long addresses that aren’t easy to remember or type.

Use friendly words. Instead of ‘the library’ say ‘we,’ instead of ‘the patron’ say ‘you.’ Instead of ‘how you reset your pin’ say ‘how do i reset my pin’ – make it more personal and friendly. Also (and this has been said forever and ever now) do no use ‘click here.’ Instead of ‘click here to access your account’ say ‘access my account.’

Finally make sure you do usability testing!!


First tip – you can’t just choose random colors! Find a professional or use one of the many color pallet websites out there to find colors that work together. Next (and I whole-heartedly agree with this one) skip the clipart!!

Another way to make our sites desirable is to make them convenient and that means making them work on mobile devices. If you design for mobile first you’ll probably create a better website simply because you’re designing for a device with a smaller screen it will force you to follow a lot of the instructions already mentioned above (less is more).

The future:

There are four types of library website development that we need to focus on.

We need to start with the Basic – and many libraries don’t have even basically good sites. This site should have necessary info: how to pay fines, get a card, etc. If all of us got to just this state the library world would be much much better.

Next a Destination website. A site where librarians create the content and have conversations with their patrons.

The Participatory website is a lot less common, but this is the site where the patrons are very involved in content creation. Providing patrons tools in house to create that content and the librarians aggregating this content and making it available to all. An example would be Hennepin County Library’s BookSpace.

Moving beyond those sites would be a Community Portal. This is a place where the patrons go to help solve community problems. Kete might actually work to meet these needs.