Library News

WordPress 3.8 is out

WP38screenshotWordPress has a new update and the changes are pretty extensive – at least in the “how it looks” department. There are now admin theme colors that you can change by going to your user profile and setting them (you can have black, your coworker can have green and I can set all the admin themes to red – or whatever else sounds good at the moment!). Other changes include an easier-to-use Widget page and better layout/control of the themes page. As with many of the biggest updates, there is also a new theme that you all can check out to see if it will work for you! More information about the updates and the new theme can be found on the release notes page for this update.

So far, we’ve heard of no issues with the update, though one library had to re-apply the update once to get the admin pages to display correctly, but that was the only real problem we’ve encountered so far. Feel free to update your installs to the new WordPress 3.8 (please!!) and, as always, let us know if you have any questions or need any help with your KLOW site!