
Keep it fresh!

How do you keep people interested in your site? Fresh content!

I have heard varying opinions about the minimum frequency for new posts. Some people think you should add new content every day. I, however, think that if a rural library is adding new content once per week, that’s great!

What types of content are KLOW libraries posting?

  • Event announcements (story time, movie nights, library board meetings, etc)
  • New arrivals (books, DVDs, music)
  • Services and resources (Homework Kansas, Kansas Audio Books, Music, and More, etc)
  • Library announcements regarding holiday closings and weather closings, too

What else? How do you keep patrons coming back to your site?

One reply on “Keep it fresh!”

One thing we’ve done is to add a “quote of the Day.” It is automatically updated daily. We’re using the generator from . Simply put it in a text box in the sidebar. WordPress strips the javascript off of it, so it doesn’t appear exactly the way it does on, but it still shows the content. It’s not much, but it does make it so something is a little different each day.

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